Emergency Procedures
Kirbyville CISD understands that the safety of the students and staff on our campuses is the first priority in any situation. Due to the fact that an emergency can and may occur at any time, KCISD believes it is of the utmost importance to be prepared for any and all hazards that may affect our schools. An Emergency Operations Plan has been developed that will help to protect our most precious asset, our students and staff.
On this page parents can find helpful information in the event of an emergency occuring at one of the KCISD campuses. Please review each category below to learn how KCISD will protect your child in the event of an emergency.
In particular, please review the PARENT-STUDENT REUNIFICATION PLAN below for some important information that you will need to know to pick up your student in the event of an emergency campus evacuation.
In the event that a campus should need to be evacuated,
KCISD has an emergency plan in place to quickly and safely
evacuate all students and staff from each of the campuses.
This plan includes the following key points:
- Quickly and Safely exit the building through pre-established Primary and Secondary Evacuation Routes.
- Assistance for all special needs students and staff during an evacuation.
- Faculty & Staff awareness of any and all damage to the facilities and/or injury to students or staff and notification of these to the command post.
- Immediately administer first-aid to any injured students or staff until Emergency Medical First Responders arrive on the scene.
- Assemble students at pre-arranged locations and account for all students and staff.
- Keep students assembled until the All-Clear is given to return to the building.
In the event that a hazard exists on a campus that requires the students and staff be removed from the campus, KCISD will evacuate that campus to an Alternate Evacuation Site. In this event, parents will be able to find information about the evacuation in two ways:
- An Emergency Call will go out to all parents with information concerning the evacuation, student location, and reunification procedure.
- All information about any emergency situation will be available on our ALERT page.
Shelter In Place
Weather and/or other conditions may exist in which it is unsafe for students or staff to be outside of the building. Those times can include Tornado Warnings, Severe Weather, and possibly Hazardous Material spills nearby a campus. In these events, KCISD will activate a Shelter-in-Place at the campus or campuses involved. This plan includes the following key points:
- Quickly and safely removing students and staff from any room or building which might be dangerous in that particular situation and moving them to a safer location within the school.
- Protecting students and staff from any flying debris in an event such as a Tornado. Leading Duck and Cover Drills.
- Sealing off windows and doors and shutting down ventilation units in the event of a nearby Hazardous Materials spill.
- Account for all students and staff.
- Immediately administer first-aid to any injured students or staff until Emergency Medical First Responders arrive on the scene.
Campus Lockdown
There are two types of Campus Lockdown:
Lockdown: An immediate threat to the school population or personnel.
Modified Lockdown: An immediate potential threat in the community
surrounding the school.
In either type of lockdown, the plan includes the following key points:
- Secure all students and staff inside the school.
- Protect students and staff inside the school and preventing all entry to and exit from the building until local Law Enforcement Authorities provide the All Clear signal.
- Immediately administer first-aid to any injured students or staff until Emergency Medical First Responders arrive on the scene.
In the event of a lockdown, parents are asked to not approach the campus. Any parents who attempt to gain access to a campus in lockdown will be referred to an Alternate Waiting Site for Parents until the lockdown has ended.
Parent - Student Reunification
In the event that a campus must be completely evacuated to an Alternate Evacuation Site, KCISD will notify the parents of the campus involved through the School Messenger Telephone Notification System as well as local television and radio stations. The message will include information as to the location of the students and the Parent-Student Reunification point. In the incident of a Parent-Student Reunification parents should follow the procedures below:
Only those persons listed on the student's Emergency Information Card will be allowed to pick up the student. Those persons picking up a student must have proper identification before a student will be released. This can be in the form of a valid Texas Driver's License.
When arriving at the Alternate Evacuation Site, parents should:
- Park in the designated parent parking area being careful not to block the driveway for bus access.
- Report to the Parent-Student Reunification table, do not attempt to enter the building.
- Present the proper identification to the Administrator in charge at the Parent-Student Reunification Table and inform them what student(s) you are there to pick-up.
- The Administrator in charge will check the Student's Emergency Information Card and verify you are authorized to pick up the student(s) and then send for the student(s).
- You will be asked to sign for the student on the Emergency Reunification form and the student will be delivered to you.
The purpose of this plan is to make certain in a crisis situation that all of our students are safe and are reunited with the proper parent/guardian. We understand that this can be a time consuming process during a stressful event and ask your patience with us.
The safety of your child is the most important issue to us at this time.